
Recycled Packaging

Recycled Packaging

Graphic Design Coursework

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Ecolo repurposes plastic, one-liter bottles to carry small plants. The strong, yet flexible, arms of the container keep plants safe while they are in transit. The transparent plastic and porous structure allow light, air, and water to reach the plant. When the seedling has reached its destination, the bottle can be recycled or transformed into a beautiful home for the plant by folding down the protective arms. 


Every time a garment or object is made from a piece of fabric, much of that fabric goes to waste. TexTiles repurposes small fabric scraps to create a beautiful set of tangrams. These seven flat tiles can be arranged into pictures that educate and amuse. 

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We are inundating our oceans with plastic. Some estimates say that as many as 14 million tons of plastic are dumped into the ocean each year from coastal regions alone. Corner is a lightweight, protective bookmark that reuses plastic bottles and prevents them from being improperly disposed of. Use Corner to protect your pages and your planet. 

Wegmans Market Café

Wegmans Market Café serves a variety of hot and cold foods. Their take-out offerings, while popular, are presented in unappetizing plastic cartons. The associated imagery is uninteresting, and their branding is applied unevenly across the available products. Bowls made of biodegradable plant fiber will nest into a convenient paper carrier and make it easier and more fun to take food home from Wegmans.