
Layers of History

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Layers of History

Exhibition Design Coursework

Solidworks, Modo, and Photoshop

There are clues beneath our feet that we can use to investigate the past. Layers of History is a multidisciplinary exhibition that examines how archeologists and geologists use stratigraphy to understand the past. Stratigraphy, the study of layers of rock, helps researchers understand how the Earth has changed over time and when these changes took place. Archeologists use stratigraphy to determine the relative ages of the objects they find during excavation. Geologists use stratigraphy to find evidence of the processes that shaped the surface of the Earth. Layers of History brings these methodologies together in order to form a fuller picture of our past.

Layers of History started with a cube. Imagine that we cut into the earth, removed a massive cube, and then shrunk it to 20 feet by 20 feet. Then we slice the cube into pieces to see what we find inside. The resulting space allows us to investigate the layers of the earth.

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